JAMIPOL to cater 50% of steel produced in India and generate 25% revenue from new products and services.
Create Value through innovative solutions to meet customers’ changing requirements by becoming “Technology Leader” through extensive R&D to achieve sustainable growth.
Accelerate growth through providing Services (TDSM), setting up service plants at Customer premises (BOOM) and venturing into new areas.
Jamipol prioritizes cost efficiency across all operations, ensuring that we deliver high-quality products and services without imposing unnecessary expenses.
Facilitate Safety, Employee growth and work life balance through Continuous Learning.
Serve the communities we operate in and encourage employees to contribute in nation building.
Strategic Locations
Set up manufacturing facilities close to major customers.
Partnership Value
Maximise value through Vendor-Partner relationship.
Automation Focus
Less man power- focus on automation
Volume Growth
Increase volumes - add more products and customers.