JAMIPOL’s Presence

JAMIPOL's Presence:

JAMIPOL’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the steel industry is reflected in our strategic presence across key industrial zones in India. With our headquarters, manufacturing plants, and service centers, we are positioned to offer unparalleled service quality and efficiency to our partners and customers. Explore our locations to see how we’re making a difference in the steel industry nationwide.

Head Office & DC Manufacturing
Plant, LGP, BGP

Total DS Management Service Center

BELLARY: Karnataka
DC Manufacturing Plant

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For more information about our locations, products, and services, or to learn how we can support your steel production needs, please contact us.

Jamshedpur - The Heart of Our Operations

Our DC plant in Jamshedpur is at the forefront of producing advanced desulphurisation reagents. This facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology and driven by a skilled workforce dedicated to producing high-quality desulphurising compounds. These compounds are essential for refining hot metal into high-grade steel, ready to meet the demands of a rapidly advancing global market.

Head Office & Manufacturing Plant (LGP, BGP)

Nestled in the steel city of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, our head office and primary Desulphurising Compound (DC) manufacturing plant represent the core of JAMIPOL's operations. This facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for the production of Lime Grinding Plant (LGP) and Bentonite Grinding Plant (BGP), ensuring high-quality products for the steel industry.

Kalinganagar - Total DS Management Services

Tata Steel, Kalinganagar

At the forefront of innovation, our Total Desulphurisation Management (TDSM) Services Center in Kalinganagar, Odisha, demonstrates our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions. This site is dedicated to Total DS Management Services, including operation and maintenance of DS stations, showcasing our expertise in enhancing steel production efficiency and quality.

Bellary - Expanding Our Manufacturing Excellence

DC Manufacturing Plant

Our manufacturing plant in Bellary, Karnataka, is a testament to JAMIPOL's growth and our dedication to meeting the increasing demand for our products. This facility focuses on the production of Desulphurising Compounds, equipped with the latest technologies to ensure the highest standards of quality and sustainability in our manufacturing processes.

Expanding Horizons: JAMIPOL in Nagarnar

In line with our strategic expansion plans, JAMIPOL's presence now proudly includes Nagarnar, reaffirming our dedication to growing alongside the ever-evolving steel industry. Our presence in Nagarnar underscores our commitment to reaching new markets and enhancing our capacity to serve the steel sector with unmatched proficiency.

Our Commitment to Nationwide Service and Quality

JAMIPOL's strategic presence across these key locations allows us to serve the Indian steel industry more effectively, ensuring timely delivery of products and services while maintaining the highest standards of quality and innovation. Our facilities are designed with sustainability in mind, reflecting our commitment to environmental stewardship and excellence in everything we do.

Partnering for a Sustainable Future

As we continue to expand our presence and capabilities, JAMIPOL remains focused on forging strong partnerships within the industry, driving progress, and contributing to a more sustainable and efficient steel production landscape in India and beyond.

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